Matthew 19:14

Jesus said, "Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these."

Sunday, November 8, 2009


I was so excited when Paul told me that the story for Sunday morning was going to be Nehemiah. I love the story of how they built the wall in less than two months. When I was a child I loved to play with Lego's. There are many walls talked about in the Bible. The wall of Jerecho that was knocked down by God's amazing power through God's people's faithfulness and then the wall in Nehemiah that was knocked down by evil forces and rebuilt by God's people because of their obedience. Here is the story:

Nehemiah (knee-a-my-a) was a man that helped the king. He tasted the king’s drink to
make sure no one poisoned it. He was called a cupbearer. He was a very trusted man. The king liked Nehemiah and cared for him. One day Nehemiah’s brother told him some sad news. He discovered that the walls of his hometown (Jerusalem) were broken and had not been repaired. This troubled Nehemiah. He cried and prayed for several days. He had such a love for his beautiful city; he couldn’t bear to see it in ruins.
The next day, Nehemiah served the king his drink. The king immediately noticed that
Nehemiah was upset. He asked him what was wrong. Nehemiah quickly prayed and then told the king and queen of his sadness. Then he boldly asked the king if he could go rebuild the city wall. After some talk, they agreed. Nehemiah set out quickly. But he was very careful about the things he did. In fact, when he got to Jerusalem, he kept his plans a secret. First, he went at night to look at the broken down wall. He rode a horse around the city and inspected it. Then, he told the people. He shared how God had answered his prayers and how the king let him come to help. Everyone was excited. They wanted to start rebuilding the wall right away. However, some people didn’t like this plan. They asked lots of questions. What was Nehemiah’s answer—“We are God’s servants. We will start rebuilding.” He knew that GOD was helping them rebuild the wall. He wasn’t going to let someone discourage them or stop the building.
Nehemiah trusted God. He knew that God had answered his prayers. The wall was built
faster than anyone could imagine! They finished the wall in 52 Days!!!
When the wall was complete, Nehemiah and Ezra helped the people worship God. They
took time to read the Bible and obey God. It was a very special time.
Nehemiah listened to God and did what He said. We must also listen to God and obey Him.

In KidsOwnWorship they learned about Joshua. Both Nehemiah and Joshua teach us that if we are faced with a project or situation that just seems so big that we will never finish or couldn't begin to know what to do, that we should trust God and obey what He is telling us to do. What is it that you are facing today that seems to humongous for you to handle by yourself? Talk to God... He will be there for you... He promises that and He never breaks His promises!

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