Matthew 19:14

Jesus said, "Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these."

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Kidz News

Some children's ministry events coming soon:

Shadman's Birthday is November 30th! On November 28th we will be celebrating his birthday by having a birthday party. The first and second grade class is opening up a cupcake bar after first service for anyone who would like to come to their room and decorate their own cupcake.

Girls Night Out! Friday, December 3rd. 6p.m. - 8:30p.m. Fun Girly Movies, Crafts,Pizza, Snacks and great friends. Cost $5.00/person. Childcare available for 2 and under. Please RSVP to Lisa Michelle Wilson. 797-2651

Christmas Pageant December 12th both services. We will have a Christmas party for children of all ages during the kids worship time.

Family Christmas Movie Night! Wednesday, December 22 4:00 p.m. Room 208/209 Pizza, Soft Drinks, popcorn and other goodies will be provided. We’ll also be doing fun Christmas Crafts and activities! Can’t wait to see you there!

Preschool Kids Worship
Starting this Sunday Kids Worship will be a little different for kids ages 3 - 5. They will be having their own worship time in the nursery area. They will have a lesson, craft and song time that is specific for their age group.

Children's Missions - Room in the Inn
This year each guest at Room in the Inn will find a handwritten card containing an encouraging verse of Scripture on his pillow each week. Ask your children--they may have made a card or two already in Sunday School. We thought families might like to participate in this project together, so we have put together take-home bags that contain a suggested verse and 5 cards. If you are interested, please pick up a bag from the 1st/2nd grade Sunday School classroom, write the verse on the cards, decorate them, pray for the recipients, and return them to Barry Prince. Our guests always enjoy seeing the kids' artwork (because it's awesome!). They will be blessed by your sharing God's word and His love in this way. Thanks!

1 comment:

  1. We are also planning on having some "Jello cupcakes" so those with allergies can have a treat to celebrate Shadman's birthday. If we need another option, please let Barry know.
