Tomorrow's Tears
Bible Reading: Job 1:1-3, 13-21; 3:25; Matthew 6:33-34
Mom found Becca crying in the backyard, watching her dog Blondie paw at leaves in the flower bed. "What's the matter, honey?" asked Mom.
"I don't want Blondie to get sick again," Becca whimpered. "I know the vet took off that spot on her skin, but he said it could come back."
"It could, but maybe it won't," said Mom. "It may never come back."
"If she dies, I'm going to miss her," said Becca. "I don't want Blondie to die."
"Of course you don't," comforted Mom, offering Becca a tissue. "In the meantime, you're not enjoying her. You're just as sad now as you will be if she dies." Mom paused, then added, "Do you remember what happened to Job?"
"Job?" asked Becca. "You mean the man in the Bible?"
"Yes," said Mom. "He had plenty to be happy about-big family, lots of money. Then he lost everything. After Job's problems started, he said, 'The thing I greatly feared has come upon me, and what I dreaded has happened to me.'"
"That doesn't make me feel better," whimpered Becca.
"Wait! I have a point." Mom dried a tear from Becca's cheek. "All those years, he had his family with him. He had prosperity and success. But does it sound like he enjoyed it?"
"No," said Becca, petting Blondie's head. "It sounds like he was too worried."
"And did being afraid of losing everything stop it from happening?" asked Mom.
Becca hugged Blondie. "No . . . but what can I do about being sad? It doesn't have an off button."
"No, but God has a solution," said Mom. "It's normal to be concerned, but we have a choice. We can worry, which doesn't help anyway, or we can choose to thank God for the good things we have today-like Blondie. We can talk to Him about troubling things and then trust Him to work them out. Job did that. He continued to love and believe in God."
Mom picked up a Frisbee and shook it in front of the dog. Blondie wagged her tail as Mom threw the Frisbee. "I think she needs a playmate," said Mom.
Becca took off running. "Come on, Blondie!" she called. "I bet I can get to that Frisbee before you do." Blondie quickly caught up with her, and together, they raced across the lawn.
Do not worry about tomorrow. Matthew 6:34
How About You?
Do you worry about what might happen tomorrow? About school? About whether your classmates like you? About moving to the next grade or a new home? Remember, if worry keeps you focused on what might go wrong, you can't enjoy what you have right now. When you start to worry, pray about the problem; talk to your parents about it; and choose to think about the many blessings that are yours today. Thank God for them and enjoy them.
Key Thought of the Day: Enjoy your blessings today
Matthew 19:14
Jesus said, "Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these."
Friday, February 26, 2010
Lent (sorry this one is late)
Day 8: February 25th
I love the movie Polar Express. My favorite part is when the kids are getting back on the train at the North Pole. Each ticket is getting a word on it. The main character gets the word “Believe” punched into his ticket. The conductor says “Seeing is believing, but sometimes the most real things in the world are the things we can’t see.” Sometimes that is like God for us. We know He is here with us but it is hard to believe in him because we don’t necessarily always ‘see’ Him. That is what faith is all about. Believing in something we can’t see. Knowing it is there even though it seems far out there to even think it. Romans 10:9 says that “if you confess with your lips that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved.” What an amazing promise if we just have faith and believe in Jesus.
How can you show your faith in Jesus today?
Day 9: February 26th
Find a penny and then grab some ketchup. We all are sinners. Not one of us is without a blemish of sin on our souls. As we go through Lent each Friday we remember what Jesus did on the cross. How while we were still sinners and did nothing to deserve or earn God’s love he willing hands it to us. He made us and loved us even when we showed no love in return. We weren’t there that day that they hung Jesus on the cross but we are just as sinful as the people who were. We are like pennies. We are dirty and nasty. We have rejected Jesus over and over. Take a drop of ketchup and a paper towel. Put the ketchup on the penny. Rub the penny in the paper towel. As you are doing that thank God for the face that Jesus came to redeem us. Call to mind some of the sins you have done and ask God to forgive you and to help you change. Just like the blood of Jesus washes away our sins the ketchup cleans up the penny.
Lord have mercy on us sinners!
Day 10: February 27th
We have made it through our first full week of this journey through Lent. I think that is cause of celebration! Make a list of the things you would want at a celebration party:
1. Friends
As we go into the weekend lets thank God for all the reasons, we have to celebrate this week. For the little things all the way to the big things. As a family come up with a way that you will celebrate together. This could be getting a special treat like cookies or going out to eat to your favorite restaurant.
Read: Nehemiah 8:9-10
To Do
There are a few things that we need to do while we are journeying to the Cross. It is like a to do list but one that we should continually do.
1. Give thanks – Say thank you to God for all the blessings He has given. Thank those who give to you.
2. Forgive someone. It isn’t always easy to forgive but remember everyone makes mistakes. Everyone has bad days and say things we don’t really mean. God wants us to forgive each other just like He forgives us.
3. Give up something that means a lot to you but replace it with something. For example, give up watching your favorite show to play a game with your family.
4. Go through your room and find things that you are not using any more and give it to those who are in need. There are a lot of children who don’t have toys to play with or warm clothes to wear in the winter.
5. Make a gift for mom or dad or grandma or grandpa.
6. Take a walk outside. Enjoy the flower and spring time weather.
I love the movie Polar Express. My favorite part is when the kids are getting back on the train at the North Pole. Each ticket is getting a word on it. The main character gets the word “Believe” punched into his ticket. The conductor says “Seeing is believing, but sometimes the most real things in the world are the things we can’t see.” Sometimes that is like God for us. We know He is here with us but it is hard to believe in him because we don’t necessarily always ‘see’ Him. That is what faith is all about. Believing in something we can’t see. Knowing it is there even though it seems far out there to even think it. Romans 10:9 says that “if you confess with your lips that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved.” What an amazing promise if we just have faith and believe in Jesus.
How can you show your faith in Jesus today?
Day 9: February 26th
Find a penny and then grab some ketchup. We all are sinners. Not one of us is without a blemish of sin on our souls. As we go through Lent each Friday we remember what Jesus did on the cross. How while we were still sinners and did nothing to deserve or earn God’s love he willing hands it to us. He made us and loved us even when we showed no love in return. We weren’t there that day that they hung Jesus on the cross but we are just as sinful as the people who were. We are like pennies. We are dirty and nasty. We have rejected Jesus over and over. Take a drop of ketchup and a paper towel. Put the ketchup on the penny. Rub the penny in the paper towel. As you are doing that thank God for the face that Jesus came to redeem us. Call to mind some of the sins you have done and ask God to forgive you and to help you change. Just like the blood of Jesus washes away our sins the ketchup cleans up the penny.
Lord have mercy on us sinners!
Day 10: February 27th
We have made it through our first full week of this journey through Lent. I think that is cause of celebration! Make a list of the things you would want at a celebration party:
1. Friends
As we go into the weekend lets thank God for all the reasons, we have to celebrate this week. For the little things all the way to the big things. As a family come up with a way that you will celebrate together. This could be getting a special treat like cookies or going out to eat to your favorite restaurant.
Read: Nehemiah 8:9-10
To Do
There are a few things that we need to do while we are journeying to the Cross. It is like a to do list but one that we should continually do.
1. Give thanks – Say thank you to God for all the blessings He has given. Thank those who give to you.
2. Forgive someone. It isn’t always easy to forgive but remember everyone makes mistakes. Everyone has bad days and say things we don’t really mean. God wants us to forgive each other just like He forgives us.
3. Give up something that means a lot to you but replace it with something. For example, give up watching your favorite show to play a game with your family.
4. Go through your room and find things that you are not using any more and give it to those who are in need. There are a lot of children who don’t have toys to play with or warm clothes to wear in the winter.
5. Make a gift for mom or dad or grandma or grandpa.
6. Take a walk outside. Enjoy the flower and spring time weather.
Wednesday, February 24, 2010
Day 6: February 23rd
God provides for all of our needs without us even asking for it. He knows what we need before we ask for it. But that doesn’t mean we shouldn’t be thankful. God mad us, and God breathes life into us at every moment. We need to continually be looking for ways to thank Him. For our lives, for the world and for the people He places in our lives. By saying thank you to God it reminds us that we need God for everything.
On the rest of this page list out the things you are thankful for.
Day 7: February 24th
No matter how careful we are, we all get hurt sometimes. Children fall down and scrape their knees or get bruises. All they need is someone to give them a kiss and cuddle them. They need someone to put a bandage on the boo boo. God is like that loving parent to us. God loves us so much. No matter what we are facing we can trust God. It is scary out there some days but we need to remember that no matter what God is with us. God will help us through the hard times.
Read: Psalm 91:1-2
God provides for all of our needs without us even asking for it. He knows what we need before we ask for it. But that doesn’t mean we shouldn’t be thankful. God mad us, and God breathes life into us at every moment. We need to continually be looking for ways to thank Him. For our lives, for the world and for the people He places in our lives. By saying thank you to God it reminds us that we need God for everything.
On the rest of this page list out the things you are thankful for.
Day 7: February 24th
No matter how careful we are, we all get hurt sometimes. Children fall down and scrape their knees or get bruises. All they need is someone to give them a kiss and cuddle them. They need someone to put a bandage on the boo boo. God is like that loving parent to us. God loves us so much. No matter what we are facing we can trust God. It is scary out there some days but we need to remember that no matter what God is with us. God will help us through the hard times.
Read: Psalm 91:1-2
Monday, February 22, 2010
Day 5
Day 5: February 22nd
Our Focus
What is your focus right now? What are you thinking about? Are you thinking about homework? Food? Something that happened during the day? During Lent our focus is on prayer, fasting and serving others. By focusing on these three things we are reminded of who God is and what Jesus did for us on the Cross.
It’s easy for us to lose our focus on God. It is easy to shift our focus on a new video game than onto the homeless man who is in need of food. It is easy for us to focus more on what we need and not the needs of others.
In my office, I have placed a cross behind my desk. When I am working on my computer, it casts a shadow of a cross onto my computer screen. My focus is continually brought back to Jesus and what He did for me.
How can you help keep your focus on God and His wants?
Read: Isaiah 58:6-7
Our Focus
What is your focus right now? What are you thinking about? Are you thinking about homework? Food? Something that happened during the day? During Lent our focus is on prayer, fasting and serving others. By focusing on these three things we are reminded of who God is and what Jesus did for us on the Cross.
It’s easy for us to lose our focus on God. It is easy to shift our focus on a new video game than onto the homeless man who is in need of food. It is easy for us to focus more on what we need and not the needs of others.
In my office, I have placed a cross behind my desk. When I am working on my computer, it casts a shadow of a cross onto my computer screen. My focus is continually brought back to Jesus and what He did for me.
How can you help keep your focus on God and His wants?
Read: Isaiah 58:6-7
Sunday, February 21, 2010
God First
It is easy to forget about God. It is easy to put Him as an item on our “To Do” list instead of someone who should come before the lists. It isn’t easy to put God first we are faced with many temptations. It is tempting to sleep that extra five minutes instead of getting up and digging into God’s Word. It is tempting when it is cold outside to stay home instead of going to church. We are tempted to want more than we need to keep what doesn’t belong to us to say things that aren’t true. We are all tempted. Even Jesus was tempted!
There are many ways that we do what we want instead of what God wants. We put our desires above Gods. But that is not the way it should be. Everything we are is because that is how God made us. Everything we have is given to us by God, Jesus who saved us and the Holy Spirit who lives in us.
How can we put God first in our lives?
Read: Luke 4:5-8
God First
It is easy to forget about God. It is easy to put Him as an item on our “To Do” list instead of someone who should come before the lists. It isn’t easy to put God first we are faced with many temptations. It is tempting to sleep that extra five minutes instead of getting up and digging into God’s Word. It is tempting when it is cold outside to stay home instead of going to church. We are tempted to want more than we need to keep what doesn’t belong to us to say things that aren’t true. We are all tempted. Even Jesus was tempted!
There are many ways that we do what we want instead of what God wants. We put our desires above Gods. But that is not the way it should be. Everything we are is because that is how God made us. Everything we have is given to us by God, Jesus who saved us and the Holy Spirit who lives in us.
How can we put God first in our lives?
Read: Luke 4:5-8
Friday, February 19, 2010
Day 4: February 20th
Storing up Your Treasures
As we journey our way to Easter there is something we forgot to do. We forgot to pack! Name a few things that you would never want to forget if you were going on a trip. What is it that you would want to grab if you had to leave your house in 10 minutes? What do you value?
God blesses with many things: family, food, shelter, and provisions so we can have fun and enjoy pleasures like toys. These are a few of the things that we value. We value our homes, free time, our favorite foods or toys. These are the treasures that we have. They are ours and we have an inclination to hoard them. When times get tough they are the things we hold tight. We sometimes think that we don’t have enough or that our happiness is limited by the amount of stuff we have. However, if we look around there is always someone who has less than us.
Jesus gave us His all. His whole life. We should be thankful to Him and in return give to those in need. To share our treasures with those who are in need.
How can we share our treasures?
Read Matthew 6:19-21
Storing up Your Treasures
As we journey our way to Easter there is something we forgot to do. We forgot to pack! Name a few things that you would never want to forget if you were going on a trip. What is it that you would want to grab if you had to leave your house in 10 minutes? What do you value?
God blesses with many things: family, food, shelter, and provisions so we can have fun and enjoy pleasures like toys. These are a few of the things that we value. We value our homes, free time, our favorite foods or toys. These are the treasures that we have. They are ours and we have an inclination to hoard them. When times get tough they are the things we hold tight. We sometimes think that we don’t have enough or that our happiness is limited by the amount of stuff we have. However, if we look around there is always someone who has less than us.
Jesus gave us His all. His whole life. We should be thankful to Him and in return give to those in need. To share our treasures with those who are in need.
How can we share our treasures?
Read Matthew 6:19-21
Thursday, February 18, 2010
Lent Day 3
Day 3: February 19th
Fasting is a Spiritual Discipline that many practice during Lent. Some people choose not to eat certain foods during this time. Some people don’t eat at all. Some limit their food and water intake to only what is necessary to live. Fasting isn’t limited to food and drinks however. Some people fast from gossip or staying up late. Some people fast from watching TV, listening to their favorite music, the internet, and many other things.
Whatever you decide to fast from it will at one point or another be difficult. It will make you uncomfortable and tempted to give up. But it is in that time of those discomfort that it gets our attention. Instead of making it a time when we want to give up we should instead choose to use it for our good. For example if you gave up the internet. Fill the time that you would have spent online talking with someone or go out and visit someone that you would have sent an email to.
Read: Joel 2:12
Fasting is a Spiritual Discipline that many practice during Lent. Some people choose not to eat certain foods during this time. Some people don’t eat at all. Some limit their food and water intake to only what is necessary to live. Fasting isn’t limited to food and drinks however. Some people fast from gossip or staying up late. Some people fast from watching TV, listening to their favorite music, the internet, and many other things.
Whatever you decide to fast from it will at one point or another be difficult. It will make you uncomfortable and tempted to give up. But it is in that time of those discomfort that it gets our attention. Instead of making it a time when we want to give up we should instead choose to use it for our good. For example if you gave up the internet. Fill the time that you would have spent online talking with someone or go out and visit someone that you would have sent an email to.
Read: Joel 2:12
Wednesday, February 17, 2010
Day 2

A picture from Sunday Morning... the kids did an awesome job singing with the adult choir! Thank you to all the children who sang and all the parents who helped out.
Day 2: February 18th
What is Lent?
Lent is a time of fasting, remembering and observing some of the Spiritual Disciplines on the 40 days before Easter. These 40 days do not include Sunday that is our Sabbath. Sunday is the day in which we are to rest and celebrate. The tradition is that if you give something up for Lent you can have that item on Sunday.
Lent is a time for us to do a lot of reflecting on whom we are and the sacrifice that Jesus made for us. Lent isn’t easy sometimes. It is a reminds us of the sins we have and how we have fallen short. Lent is when we should focus on who God wants us to be. It is a time of transformation. When we allow God to come into our lives and change us. To mold our hearts and to change us for the better.
Psalm 51:3,10 “I know my transgressions, and my sin is ever before… Create in me a clean heart, O God, and put a new right spirit within me.”
Ash Wednesday
Come take a 40-day journey with me as we travel with Jesus to Calvary. It will not be an easy road. Oh, no it is a road that is full of twists and turns. Be ready for unexpected blessings and things that will challenge you. This journey is for everyone whether you can read or if you are still in diapers, you’re invited to come on this journey with us. So put on your hiking boots, grab your journey buddies (your family) and open your Bibles as we journey with Jesus to the Cross of Calvary.
Are you ready?
Day 1: Ash Wednesday
This day marks the first day of the Lent Season. The season of Lent is a fasting season that leads us to Easter. We will talk more about Lent tomorrow. Today let’s focus on what Ash Wednesday is. On this day Christians come to the alter and the pastor dips his thumb into ashes, marks their forehead with the sign of the cross saying “remember man that thou art dust and unto dust thou shall return.” Many times the ashes used are from the previous year’s palms that were used on Palm Sunday.
Ash Wednesday is not observed in the Bible. It is a tradition that has been passed down from generation to generation. However, the use of ashes as a sign of repentance and mourning is found in the Bible and is the Biblical basis for Ash Wednesday. These passages are: 2 Samuel 13:16; Esther 4:1; Job 2:8; Daniel 9:3; and Matthew 11:21
Read Psalm 51 together, if you have older children who can read take turns reading a verse. Talk to each other about sins that you are struggling with at this time. For young children, talk to them about doing something wrong and the consequences of those actions. For the very small children, tell them about Jesus’ love for us even when we do bad things.
During Lent, it is a tradition to give something up, to make a sacrifice during Lent. You can also add something, like praying for 30 more minutes a day. Some people do both. As a family, decide if you are going to follow this tradition. If so write down what each person is going to do for the next 40 days. Each night go back to that list and see how everyone is doing.
Are you ready?
Day 1: Ash Wednesday
This day marks the first day of the Lent Season. The season of Lent is a fasting season that leads us to Easter. We will talk more about Lent tomorrow. Today let’s focus on what Ash Wednesday is. On this day Christians come to the alter and the pastor dips his thumb into ashes, marks their forehead with the sign of the cross saying “remember man that thou art dust and unto dust thou shall return.” Many times the ashes used are from the previous year’s palms that were used on Palm Sunday.
Ash Wednesday is not observed in the Bible. It is a tradition that has been passed down from generation to generation. However, the use of ashes as a sign of repentance and mourning is found in the Bible and is the Biblical basis for Ash Wednesday. These passages are: 2 Samuel 13:16; Esther 4:1; Job 2:8; Daniel 9:3; and Matthew 11:21
Read Psalm 51 together, if you have older children who can read take turns reading a verse. Talk to each other about sins that you are struggling with at this time. For young children, talk to them about doing something wrong and the consequences of those actions. For the very small children, tell them about Jesus’ love for us even when we do bad things.
During Lent, it is a tradition to give something up, to make a sacrifice during Lent. You can also add something, like praying for 30 more minutes a day. Some people do both. As a family, decide if you are going to follow this tradition. If so write down what each person is going to do for the next 40 days. Each night go back to that list and see how everyone is doing.
Monday, February 15, 2010
Snow Days!
Some printable fun
Enjoy the snow today and remember that it is a reminder of the fact that Jesus makes us white as snow.
Enjoy the snow today and remember that it is a reminder of the fact that Jesus makes us white as snow.
Thursday, February 11, 2010
This Sunday the children are singing both services. Please drop your child(ren) off in the adult choir room by 8:10-8:15. We will bring them up to the sanctuary after they practice with the adults. We will pick them up again from Sunday School and take them downstairs to practice again for second service. Thank you!!
Also, this Sunday pick up a copy of the Family Advent Calendar and Devotions. They will be on the counter in the gathering hall. I can also send them to you if you would like them sent via email.
Also, this Sunday pick up a copy of the Family Advent Calendar and Devotions. They will be on the counter in the gathering hall. I can also send them to you if you would like them sent via email.
Monday, February 8, 2010
Wednesday Night!
We had an awesome time last Wednesday night learning about plants. Here is a picture of our plants:

This Wednesday we will be practicing for our performance on Sunday. There is a small change in plans. The kids will be practicing with the adult choir from 7:00 pm to about 7:20 pm. You may pick up your children from the adult choir room.
Thank you!
See you Wednesday!!!
This Wednesday we will be practicing for our performance on Sunday. There is a small change in plans. The kids will be practicing with the adult choir from 7:00 pm to about 7:20 pm. You may pick up your children from the adult choir room.
Thank you!
See you Wednesday!!!
Thursday, February 4, 2010
Christian Book Store and Jesus
So yesterday I had a little time between meetings and decided to go check out the 75% off Christmas stuff at the Christian bookstore. I was walking through the store and a man walked up to me and asked me a question. I answered and continued to look. He stuck around for a minute talking about denominations and about beliefs. Then I took a deeper look at him and realized this man hadn't showered in awhile. His clothes were dirty and the ends of his pants were rough. He had a distinct smell to him. The smell of late night walks in the cold wind and sleeping in places that we wouldn't want to even see. I looked at his coat and saw it had stains all over it. His beard was dirty and covered up the fact that it is usually pure white. His cheeks were burnt from the cold wind and his nose was red and purple from frost bite. As I peered into his eyes he started talking to me about Jesus. He gave me the best sermon I had ever heard as we stood in the children's section of the Christian bookstore he told me about his fear for the future generations. The ones who haven't even been born yet. The ones that are only a thought in the minds of our young people today. He suggested books to me and even though he only allowed me to say the occasional yes and uh uh I realized that God has sent me this special man. I was reminded of the fact that although right now things are hard for me Jesus is still there. That if we keep Him the focus no matter what our life circumstances are, even if it is living on the streets, that nothing can take our Joy away. As I stood in the Christian bookstore yesterday I saw Jesus and His love in the eyes of a homeless man who was just trying to warm up. He had come in to get warm and to read the word. Something he did often he said. "Because even I could become bitter and prideful if I don't keep God's Word at the for front of my life." What awesome words to hear from a man who was wearing the weight of the world on his sleeves.
Monday, February 1, 2010
Monday Morning
I can't believe it is Monday morning already! It seems like yesterday was Friday afternoon and we were getting ready for the weekend!
I had a good friend of mine send this to me as a devotion and I thought I would share with you:
"When I was a child, I loved to play a card game called "Go Fish." Have any of you ever played that game? You start the game by giving each player five cards. The rest of the cards are placed in a draw pile called the "ocean" that is shared by all of the players.
The player whose turn it is asks another player for their cards of a particular kind. For example, the person whose turn it is might say, "Mary, do you have any threes?" If Mary has any threes, she must give them to the person who asked for them. If Mary doesn't have any threes, she says, "Go fish," and the person who asked draws a card from the "ocean." When you collect a set of four cards of the same kind, you show the set to the other players and place the four cards face down in front of yourself.
Go Fish continues until either someone has no cards left in their hand or the draw pile runs out. The winner is the player who then has the most sets of four.
Talking about playing the game of "Go Fish" makes me think about the day when Jesus chose his disciples.
Jesus was standing by the sea of Galilee and a large crowd of people began to gather around him. He saw some fishermen nearby who were cleaning and mending their nets so he climbed into one of the boats which belonged to a man whose name was Peter. Jesus told Peter to put the boat out a little way from the shore. Peter did as Jesus instructed him and Jesus sat in the boat teaching the people.
When he had finished teaching, Jesus said to Peter, "Put the boat further out into the deep water and let down your nets to catch some fish."
"We've been fishing all night long and haven't caught a thing, but if you say so, we will let down the nets one more time," Peter answered.
Do you know what happened? They started pulling the nets up and there were so many fish that the nets began to break. When they pulled the fish into the boat, there were so many fish that the boat began to sink. When Peter and his fellow fishermen saw this, they were were afraid.
Jesus said, "Don't be afraid," Jesus said. "From now on, I want you to go fish for people."
The Bible tells us that they pulled their boats up onto the shore, left everything, and followed Jesus to "go fish" for people.
Jesus wants you and me to "go fish" for people too. If we will be faithful in telling people about Jesus and his love, we can trust Jesus to bring in the catch!
Heavenly Father, Jesus, has told us to go fish for people. We will go and tell others about Jesus, and trusting him to bring them into the boat. Amen."
I had a good friend of mine send this to me as a devotion and I thought I would share with you:
"When I was a child, I loved to play a card game called "Go Fish." Have any of you ever played that game? You start the game by giving each player five cards. The rest of the cards are placed in a draw pile called the "ocean" that is shared by all of the players.
The player whose turn it is asks another player for their cards of a particular kind. For example, the person whose turn it is might say, "Mary, do you have any threes?" If Mary has any threes, she must give them to the person who asked for them. If Mary doesn't have any threes, she says, "Go fish," and the person who asked draws a card from the "ocean." When you collect a set of four cards of the same kind, you show the set to the other players and place the four cards face down in front of yourself.
Go Fish continues until either someone has no cards left in their hand or the draw pile runs out. The winner is the player who then has the most sets of four.
Talking about playing the game of "Go Fish" makes me think about the day when Jesus chose his disciples.
Jesus was standing by the sea of Galilee and a large crowd of people began to gather around him. He saw some fishermen nearby who were cleaning and mending their nets so he climbed into one of the boats which belonged to a man whose name was Peter. Jesus told Peter to put the boat out a little way from the shore. Peter did as Jesus instructed him and Jesus sat in the boat teaching the people.
When he had finished teaching, Jesus said to Peter, "Put the boat further out into the deep water and let down your nets to catch some fish."
"We've been fishing all night long and haven't caught a thing, but if you say so, we will let down the nets one more time," Peter answered.
Do you know what happened? They started pulling the nets up and there were so many fish that the nets began to break. When they pulled the fish into the boat, there were so many fish that the boat began to sink. When Peter and his fellow fishermen saw this, they were were afraid.
Jesus said, "Don't be afraid," Jesus said. "From now on, I want you to go fish for people."
The Bible tells us that they pulled their boats up onto the shore, left everything, and followed Jesus to "go fish" for people.
Jesus wants you and me to "go fish" for people too. If we will be faithful in telling people about Jesus and his love, we can trust Jesus to bring in the catch!
Heavenly Father, Jesus, has told us to go fish for people. We will go and tell others about Jesus, and trusting him to bring them into the boat. Amen."
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