Matthew 19:14

Jesus said, "Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these."

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Lent Day 3

Day 3: February 19th


Fasting is a Spiritual Discipline that many practice during Lent. Some people choose not to eat certain foods during this time. Some people don’t eat at all. Some limit their food and water intake to only what is necessary to live. Fasting isn’t limited to food and drinks however. Some people fast from gossip or staying up late. Some people fast from watching TV, listening to their favorite music, the internet, and many other things.
Whatever you decide to fast from it will at one point or another be difficult. It will make you uncomfortable and tempted to give up. But it is in that time of those discomfort that it gets our attention. Instead of making it a time when we want to give up we should instead choose to use it for our good. For example if you gave up the internet. Fill the time that you would have spent online talking with someone or go out and visit someone that you would have sent an email to.

Read: Joel 2:12

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